What’s a misconception about your position?
That my role isn’t diverse, but it is! I might be visiting clients, organising events in their building or putting together occupier sentiment surveys. It’s good to get an understanding of what they use Locale’s platform for as the sites are all different, from big glass and steel buildings in the city to a plush residential complex in Chelsea.
What's an accomplishment you're really proud of?
In previous similar roles, I was proud that I could deliver events in most circumstances. I’ve had events and weddings taking place during the unexpected, such as floods, snow, power cuts, pandemics - you name it!
How would you spend 30 minutes of free time?
I have a new puppy so I like to walk her in my free time or train her do some tricks. I’m currently trying to get her to play dead when I say ‘bang!’
Are you an early bird or a night owl?
An early bird, I wake up around 5.45am regardless of the day of the week unfortunately!
What is your motto or personal mantra?
"You live and learn, any mistakes can be learnt from and that tomorrow is another day.