Learning at work week: working at your best

15 May 2024

This year’s Learning at Work Week is spotlighting ‘learning power’. Vanessa Sampson, Director of People & Culture at Locale, explains why learning is a fundamental part of staff development and performance, and not just an added extra or afterthought.


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In the dynamic landscape of the modern workplace, the pursuit of learning is not just a bonus—it's a fundamental necessity. At Locale, learning is not merely a checkbox on a training list; it's the heartbeat of our organisation, fostering fulfilment, sparking innovation, and guiding smart decision-making. 


In today's interconnected world, teams thrive when they evolve together. As individuals, we must be comfortable navigating uncomfortable situations, understanding that growth often emerges from these challenges. Conflict, when approached constructively, becomes a catalyst for progress and we have worked hard to establish ‘ongoing conversations’ to build trust, transparency, and cohesion.  


Learning isn't just about gaining new skills; it's about equipping ourselves with the best tools to excel in our roles. Continuous learning is an advantage, and by cultivating a culture of learning, Locale remains at the forefront of staff satisfaction.


Working with a learning management system, we have built pathways around fundamental human skills: emotional intelligence, having great conversations, the wellbeing of happiness, and managing conflict. General learning workshops have been built around task and time management which underscores most of what we organise on a day-to-day basis.


The real work begins when the learning has been delivered; work to support the individual to transfer the learning into their day-to-day for relevant impact. Learning that cannot be measured and evidenced will not benefit anyone.  


Our commitment to learning isn't just about personal growth; it's about propelling our organisation toward excellence. Learning is the key to growth, and growth is the key to success. As we evolve, individually and collectively, we empower ourselves to innovate, adapt, and deliver exceptional results. 


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